Located in Ottawa serving Kemptville and surrounding areas
Packing Instructions
Packing and organizing are crucial elements of moving. However, when it is time to unpack, things inevitably get lost or misplaced. To avoid being in this situation, and avoid losing any items you may have packed, as well as making sure your move is as smooth as possible, here are some helpful tips you should consider:
1. Be ready with the right packing supplies
The obvious packing tools you need are boxes and luggages. Yes, you will need boxes, and lots of them. Moreover, you will also need markers and colour labels.
2. Segregate
Make sure you separate your personal and important items that you would need to keep with you. For these items, you'll have to use your own luggages and bags. The other items that you would like to pack will mostly go into boxes that will be handled by your mover. You can also sort things out by the items that you don't use daily, and separate them from your other frequently used belongings.
3. Things to keep with you
These will be valuable items like jewellery, antiques, and collections. You'll also need to keep important items such as keys, passports, birth certificates, deeds, bank records, school records, contracts and more. Since it will take some time to get most of your stuff in boxes, it's a good idea to keep some personal items with you in case you need them right away. These will be things like toiletries, a few sets of clothing, sheets, towels, and an extra pair of shoes. Be prepared to have a few boxes to store all your personal belongings.
4. A little organization goes a long way
Keep all your belongings in one place. Place all bedroom items in boxes which are assigned to a particular colour for that room. An example, would be to use the colour red in all these boxes and making sure that they all have the same red label on them. Write the contents on the label or on the outside of the box to help you unpack once you have moved. In your new house, continue the colour coding scheme by placing a red label on the bedroom door, so that the movers can place all the red-labelled boxes there.
5. Boxes are your friends
You will rely on boxes to protect your belongings. Do not use boxes that are old or that have become structurally weak. Also, fill your boxes to their full capacity. Weak boxes or half-empty ones that end up under other boxes are likely to get crushed – together with their items! On the other hand, overfilled boxes can burst. The exterior of boxes are all writing surfaces. Use them to your advantage by writing down critical information like FRAGILE, THIS SIDE UP, or even just writing the general items that are located inside the box.
6. Choose your mover wisely
Moving is stressful enough. Do yourself a favor by getting the services of a reliable and professional mover. The moving company you choose will be your biggest helper in this demanding task. As a result, make sure you choose them wisely and hire a moving company who can ensure that your belongings will arrive safely in your new home.
Pronto Movers Inc Moving Tips
Our mission is to help make your move in Kemptville as stress free as possible. Check out some of our helpful moving tips listed here or call us about our services for planning an efficient and worry-free move of any size or scope.
Your Essentials Box Should Include:
- Any toiletries you may need
- Snacks, coffee and tea
- Garbage bags
- Change of clothes
- Dish soap and dish cloths
- Pet food and dish
- Scissors
- Towels
- Mugs, plates and cutlery
- Important papers, such as receipts, banking information or tax slips
Pronto Movers Inc offers expert packing services at affordable rates.
For those looking to do the packing themselves, here are a few helpful tips:
- Dispose, sell or donate unwanted articles prior to moving to streamline packing.
- Loosely wrap glass, stoneware and all fragile items using two layers of plain paper or (ecofriendly) cloth (Clean socks work well!).
- Wrapping items in newsprint may leave stains on certain items, so it's best to use newsprint for things that can be wiped off easily, like cutlery or certain ceramics.
- Pack all loose items in boxes, not bags.
- Tape boxes across tops and edges and label them clearly according to room placement at your new location. This will make unpacking that much easier!
- Label and place screws and small parts from disassembled furniture and equipment in small clear plastic bags. There's nothing more annoying than trying to assemble furniture only to realize you're missing half the screws, so make sure you think ahead.
- Transport jewelry, money and valuables in your own vehicle. For your more precious (and fragile) possessions, Pronto Movers Inc recommends keeping them with you at all times during the move.
- Organize and label electronics and cables before your move for easy set up at your new location. Cables have a tendency to become extremely tangled, so taking steps to minimize this will save you some grief when it comes time to unpack.
- Pack food securely in sealed bags for extra protection. Moving can take a lot out of you, so we suggest packing some snacks in your Essentials box, to keep your blood sugar and mood up throughout.
- Pack and clearly mark a box for ESSENTIALS that you will need immediately when you reach your new location
Important Reminders
- Notify all pertinent government agencies, banks, creditors, gas, water, telephone, cable and internet providers of your move. Doing this prior to your next billing date will prevent important documents from being lost in the mail, as well as minimizing the disruption in your services.
- Defrost and clean fridge(s) prior to moving day, and minimize the amount of perishable food you pack, as it can attract a whole zoo of creatures you likely want to avoid in your new Kemptville home.
- Empty fuel from lawnmower, power tools, kerosene lamps and barbecue.
- Plan the placement of furniture or equipment in your new location so our movers can accommodate you.
Never Pack Flammables Such As:
- Paint/ Thinner
- Aerosol cans
- Cleaning fluid
- Propane tanks
- Corrosive liquids